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This study analyses IIUM: the Garden of Knowledge and Virtue and its multi-dimensional features. The objective is to bring back what the University aspired to be when it was established 35 years ago as an International Islamic University Malaysia. The theme adopted is CHANGE and the objective is to chalk out strategies to ensure that the University is really "leading the way". The change emphasised begins with integrity as one of the virtues that are so intimately intertwined with the Garden that the community professes to grow. Indeed, Triple I-CE (Internationalisation, Integration, Islamisation and Comprehensive Excellence) is about knowledge and virtue to nurture the Garden as a source of inspiration, reflection and consciousness. It lays down some of the strategies of change for IIUM to grow like a good tree that bears fruits in abundance to be shared with everyone and to serve the good cause and to be a blessing for the people of the world, rahmatan lil alamin. A good tree is one that provides ample shade to everyone as a way to relieve from exhaustion and stress of living. A good tree, therefore, must itself be steadfast and blooming as well as firmly grounded to enable all these virtues to grow on a daily basis. The University community must strive continuously to keep this tree provides goodness to the world. This requires the university to be truly autonomous and its members self-aware, self-disciplined and above all self-conscious of the amanah. They must cooperate with each other at the individual, departmental and kulliyyah levels and share the knowledge for sustainable development and to produce well-balanced and harmonious graduates


ISBN : 978-967-491-033-4

Publication Date :

Length : 90 Pages

File Format : PDF

File Size : 15.94 MB

Country : MY

Language : English

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