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This book aims to study the most important aspects of the science of Qiraat as a new fundamental attempt to serve the Holy Quran, hafizes and Quran students. With the expansion of this science, the book tries to present it with a fundamental academic vision that is consistent with the foundations of need and simplicity. The book includes definition of the basic terms of the science of Qiraat and readings of the indications and the accompanying symbolic connotations. It also deals with the study of the origin and historical development of this art, and it contains the definition of the Qiraat figures and the prominent companions and followers, imams of the ten Qiraat, their narrators, and their ancient contributions. It also roots the correct Qiraat and frames their guidelines and conditions considered by the people of art. On the other hand, the book contributes to revealing new aspects of the relationship of the science of Qiraat with related sciences, such as the science of Tajweed and science of guiding Qiraat, the science of scripting and vowls, and the science of editing, biographies and counting verses, and it concludes with a study on odd Qiraat, their importance and men, the extent of benefit from it, its limits and conditions, and the specious arguments raised in it and the ways of responding to them.
ISBN : 978-967-491-145-1
Publication Date :
Length : 390 Pages
File Format : PDF
File Size : 100.55 MB
Country : MY
Language : English
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