Praktis Jepun

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Praktis Jepun
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This book is suitable for students who would like to study the basic of Japanese Language communication (A1 – A2) and useful for students who will be sitting for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N5. The three main chapters in this book are kana writing, grammar and kanji. This book is also complete with e-learning materials that can be accessed in the interactive website which includes 3D models with 3600 view which enable students to virtually explore the Japanese cultural environment. The activities uploaded in the website are designed with Japanese ryokan (Japanese traditional-style hotel) related topics to engage students in studying the Japanese language while utilising Japanese ryokan situational conversation settings. Ryokan related vocabulary is also introduced to students such as onsen (hot spring), ashiyu (hot-spring for feet) and etc. This approach not only attracts students to learn the Japanese language but enhances their knowledge too on Japanese culture.
ISBN : 9789670025506
Publication Date :
Length : 243 Pages
File Format : PDF
File Size : 192.70 MB
Country : MY
Language : English
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