Public Private Partnership: 40 Years Journey in Malaysia

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Public Private Partnership: 40 Years Journey in Malaysia
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In Malaysia, private sector involvement in the delivery of public facilities and services has started since the early 1980s. For the past 40 years, various initiatives have been introduced, including privatization, corporatization and private finance initiative (PFI) which are all under the umbrella of Public Private Partnership (PPP). The various modes of PPP have been reported to have significantly contributed not only to the development of the country but more importantly to the benefit of the public at large. In highlighting the 40-year journey of PPP implementation in Malaysia, this book intends to offer detailed information on the various aspects of PPP which include the fundamental concept of PPP, its historical development, empirical evidence on the many aspects of its implementation in Malaysia as well as the way forward for PPP in Malaysia. The book will benefit many parties including the relevant government authorities who are either directly or indirectly involved with PPP, private sector companies who have either been awarded with PPP projects or are eyeing for potential involvement in future PPP projects, academicians and researchers from various disciplines whose research interest areas are in the respective aspects of PPP, undergraduates and postgraduate students as well as the public or society who would like to gain insightful information on PPP implementation in Malaysia.
ISBN : 978-967-491-245-1
Publication Date :
Length : 204 Pages
File Format : PDF
File Size : 30.57 MB
Country : MY
Language : English
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