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Highlighting and documenting the impacts that our blessed University has had on its alumni (through the vigorous exercise of our University’s philosophy, mission, and vision) is an important effort to better understand our institutional contributions to the Muslim community (ummah) and the world. Such documentation helps us to see the ways in which we have made a difference in the world through our alumni and their activities and achievements. Specifically, the main objectives of this book are to highlight the impacts of IIUM’s philosophy, mission and vision on its alumni; to preserve the important details of IIUM’s history and contributions; and to explore how the University has moulded its alumni into professional and dedicated Muslims, lifelong learners, dignified members of the Prophet Muhammad SAW’s ummah, and servants of the Almighty Allah (SWT).


ISBN : 978-967-491-350-2

Publication Date :

Length : 219 Pages

File Format : PDF

File Size : 73.44 MB

Country : MY

Language : English

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