Kalam and Its Relevance in Muslim Scholarship of Religion: An Integrated Approach

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Kalam and Its Relevance in Muslim Scholarship of Religion: An Integrated Approach
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“Islamic Kalam tradition since its inception during the 2nd and 3rd centuries of Islam had been know to engage with study of other religion, beliefs and sects. This tradition had produced the paradigmatic and exemplary intellectual genre better know as al-Milal wal-Nihal and al-Farq baym al-Firaq. This work by a group of dedicated young Muslim scholars of comparative religion is both novel and noble attempts to revive the Kalam tradition in the contemporary scholarship of religion. These scholar firmly believe that having deep appreciation with their own indigenous Kalam tradition of studying other religions will provide a way forward for better understanding of religious dialogue without being apologetics about their own religious in today`s post-modern relativism that permeates in the intellectual and political world. This pioneering work of connecting contemporary comparative religion with the Islam Kalam tradition should be a model to follow for the future integrative study in this challenging and important field in our lives in order to preserve peaceful co-existence among different religious adherents and communities.”
ISBN : 978-967-491-325-0
Publication Date :
Length : 199 Pages
File Format : PDF
File Size : 42.19 MB
Country : MY
Language : English
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