Taman Paku Pakis. Fern Garden: A Hidden Gem of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

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Taman Paku Pakis. Fern Garden: A Hidden Gem of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
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The Taman Paku Pakis UKM (TPPUKM) or the Fern Garden of UKM (Fernarium), the first garden to be established in Malaysia, was set up in 1988 in a 13-hectare hillslope that was formerly allocated as an arboretum area. This fern garden has been registrered and recognized by the Botanic Gardens Conservations International (BGCI) at the International Union for Conservation of Nature Resources (IUCN), Kew, United Kingdom. This garden is divided into three sections, viz. Ethnobotany, Conservation and Exotics, and also has six trails going through the various fern collections of 46 genere and 25 families of pteridophytes. The richness of flora and fauna in this garden has attracted many researches and students to study and learn their habit, physiology, interactions, chemistry and others. Therefore, conservation of this garden is crucial for sustainable biodiversity of specific area. TAMAN PAKU PAKIS FERN GARDEN: A HIDDEN GEM OF UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA is a coffee-table book with scientific values and is written in an easy to read format for the general readership and is well-illustrated to catch the attention of the viewer. The aim of this publication specifically is to raise awareness on our biodiversity in the Taman Paku Pakis UKM. This book would serve well to complement thew in-situ and ex-situ conservation efforts, a precious gift from academia back to the society. This book is one of the best collective efforts from 29 academic staffs, officers and students of Faculty of Science and Technology, UKM. May this little book serve well in titillating the readers and meeting its intended objectives.
ISBN : 9789674122423
Publication Date :
Length : 186 Pages
File Format : PDF
File Size : 52.67 MB
Country : MY
Language : English
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