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This book fills a crucial gap by integrating both Islamic and scientific knowledge into maternal-newborn nursing and women's health. Tailored to undergraduate nursing. advanced diploma in midwifery, and master in midwifery students, it begins with foundational concepts of maternal-newborn nursing, delving into pregnancy changes, the reproductive system, conception, fetal development, and pregnancy symptoms. It then proceeds to discuss maternal and fetal health, antenatal care, managing minor pregnancy issues, nutrition, and addressing high-risk pregnancies, all with a dual focus on the well-being of both mother and baby. The book also covers essential aspects of labor and delivery and postnatal care, providing support for mothers during and after childbirth. Additionally, it addresses newborn assessment, immediate care, and the vital task of caring for at-risk newborns, emphasizing the importance of their transition to life outside the uterus. Finally, it concludes with a discussion on promoting women's health, addressing common health issues at various life stages, and offering guidance on caring for women before and after gynecologic surgeries.


ISBN : 978-967-491-377-9

Publication Date :

Length : 332 Pages

File Format : PDF

File Size : 76.97 MB

Country : MY

Language : English

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